DOES YOUR DOCTOR CARE IF YOU STARVE TO DEATH? A lot of times, individuals can get disability benefits that they desperately need to pay rent, buy food or get medical care. But it often requires your doctor to spent a few minutes completing a form called a Medical Source Statement. Some doctors will complete these forms for their patients, giving a fair, truthful opinion of the claimant's medical condition. But, then, there are other doctors..... Who promise they will do the form when they get around to it....but they never do...or they do so after you have been denied. Who simply tell you, "We don't do disability forms." Who refuse to complete the form but offer to farm you out to another doctor somewhere who might. You should ask yourself the question: Does my doctor care about me and my needs as they relate to my health and ability to work? Or, is this doctor only interested in collecting his $30 co-pay and sending me on my way with my problems? ...
The Forsythe Firm - Social Security Disability Advocates. Experienced, Knowledgable, Caring. Totally focused on Social Security matters. (256) 799-0297.