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In its effort to determine whether or not you are entitled to a disability benefit, Social Security will use the antiquated Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) to determine if there are any jobs in the US economy that you might be able to perform.  Well and good, except for the kind of jobs the DOT lists.

If you are found able to perform one of the jobs in the DOT, you will most likely be denied your benefits.  Here are some actual jobs still listed in the DOT and they are ridiculous:

Radio-telegraph operator.  Yes, it's still there, in spite of the fact that Samuel Morse sent the first telegram on May 24, 1844 and the last telegram ever sent in the United States was on July 14, 2013.

Human projectile.  The job description for this one includes being shot out of a cannon.  This worker may also perform other feats of daring like falling off a trapeze.

Coach driver.  This fits perfectly with the telegraph operator.  The coach driver not only drives a coach but must also be prepared to keep it clean and polished.

Egg breaker.  The DOT says that these workers crack an egg against a hard surface, separate the yolk from the white and let the egg fall into a bowl while discarding the shells into a receptacle.

Sack menders use shears to cut patches for burlap bags and put the bags on a sewing machine to patch them.

The Social Security Administration considers the DOT to be their "Bible" of the occupational world.  In fact, administrative law judges require the vocational witnesses in their hearings to notify them if ever they deviate from the DOT in their job testimony.  The DOT was invented in the Depression to help determine what type of jobs might be available in the national economy.  No attempt at revising or updating this dinoseur has occurred in more than a quarter century. That's why Social Security must abandon the DOT as their absolute authority on occupations in the US economy.  Its a joke.


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